Lookout Point Fill It Fore Families


No donation is too small. The following list of "most needed items" should give you a bit of an idea of what they are currently looking for - that said, please give what you can, as any and all donations of non-perishable food, personal hygiene products and/or household items will be greatly appreciated. For the most up to date list of "most needed items", please visit www.pelhamcares.org

Here are some of the most needed items at this time:

Apple Sauce Jars


Canned fruit/Vegetables

Canned Salmon



Side kicks/Hamburger Helper

Canned Pastas – Chef Boyardee

Almond/Soy Milk

Peanut Free School Snacks

Boost/Ensure drinks

Pedi a Sure

Unscented bar soap

Hand/Body Lotion

Deodorant – Male



Liquid hand soap

Pull-ups size 4 & up

Disinfectant Wipes

Zip-loc sandwich bags

Foil/plastic wrap

Cleaning supplies