At Lookout Point, we have a very interactive Ladies Section.
We foster women’s golf through fellowship, games and events, teaching clinics, and
social activities. We are proud to have had greats such as Anne Sharpe,
Cathy Sherk, and Canada’s only member of the World Golf Hall of Fame
Marlene Stewart Streit, represent our club throughout their esteemed
careers, and we are fortunate to have them as honorary members to this day.
Each year, we start off our season with an
Opening Dinner Social.
It’s a great evening that encourages friendship and provides insight into what we have planned for the upcoming season. All of our new members receive a welcome note from the Ladies Captain upon joining. We will quickly help you meet the family that is our ladies section, and get you as involved as you choose with Ladies Day, social activities, casual games, or competitions.
Ladies Day is Tuesday!
We encourage everyone to join our Ladies League to participate in our fun year-long triple L team game, and have access to three special league tournaments - our iconic Memorial where we recognize all the ladies who helped shape our club over the past 95 years; the Kay Fraser Strawberry Social; and the hilarious Tombstone event. We’re focused on creating a fun experience for everyone and each event has your handicap applied for Ladies League, so don’t worry about your level of ability - it’s all factored in.
Learn from the best, and enjoy yourself while you do. Whether you’re a beginner or just need a tune-up, we have Ladies Clinics held throughout the year. Improve your game at our premium practice facility and course with our highly qualified Teaching Professionals. Then relax with refreshments and friends on our patio overlooking the Niagara Falls city skyline. Learning the game doesn’t get much better than that.